
I am a construction lawyer with over 25 years of experience acting for developers, investors, funds, and contractors. I’ve acted on residential, commercial, and student accommodation schemes, including forward-funded and debt-financed schemes. My practice includes advising on JCT, FIDIC, and NEC, consultant appointments, and warranties.

I’ve spent my entire career working in the construction industry. I love collaborating with developers, architects, engineers, project managers, and contractors to develop or redevelop assets that will be around for a very long time and will change the look and feel of a place.

In construction, there are many documents, particularly if funders are also involved. You need a team of lawyers who can manage the documents and negotiate them efficiently and commercially. My approach to negotiation is collaborative. I seek to find the middle ground and try, where possible, to accommodate the other side’s position while also holding firm on the key issues for the client.

I also get involved in disputes and dispute avoidance, so I understand the issues that are likely to become contentious when I’m drafting the contract. This insight is invaluable. I have experience in mediation, adjudications and TCC proceedings.

Outside of work, I enjoy running (although trying for PBs is so much harder these days!) and very slowly learning to play the piano.


Client Award 2018 – outstanding service to clients.

Contact Jo


  • Acting on multiple forward funded residential schemes for Telford Homes at Battersea, Wandsworth, Brentford ranging from 1000 unit schemes to 200 units.
  • Acting for Big Yellow across its multiple self-storage sites preparing the construction documents for appointment of its contractors and consultants.
  • Acting for Saracens in the redevelopment of its East and West stands.
  • Acting for an institutional developer in a dispute involving defective cladding at one of its sites, multi-party action against its professional team.
  • Acting for Shiva Hotels across its multiple development sites in London including its sites at Marylebone Lane (BoTree), Great Marlborough Street/Poland Street and City Temple Quarter.



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